Why Companies Should Consider Technology To Reduce Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome

New Technology

New TechnologyWATERisLIFE is at all times researching new, life changing, water applied sciences. Our objective is to grasp, research, help develop, and finally deploy new technology that works. WATERisLIFE has partnered with Innovative H2O to impliment Sun Spring programs world wide to dramatically reduce and eventually erdicate the world water disaster. Each Sun Spring unit gives 5,000 gallons per day of safe ingesting water. That is enough for villages of 1,000-2,000 families. The Sun Spring is solar and wind-powered and generates additional energy for the village to use for charging cells phones, lights, wifi access, the sky is the limit.

By listening to an aged individual’s stories of the hardships they went by over time, you develop to understand simply how good your life is. Listen to them tell about what it was like to lose shut associates in the bombings in WW2 or how the rations were shared out amongst … Read more